Ray West (Consultancy)

Odds & ends

This page will have snippets of other information which may be of interest.

PC7 Battery indicator

Sony VMC-LM7, build your own PC-7 mic & Lanc adaptor

Control-L codes

RM95 usage

What your mother never told you about batteries (published article)

Lithium Ion Batteries

Simple PCB manufacture

Storage of batteries

Tapping drill size chart

PC7 battery indicator (Probably applies to other Sony cameras too.)

Battery indicator     voltage range

full                    8.4 - 7.5
3/4 full                7.5 - 7.25
1/2 full                7.25 - 6.7
1/4 full                6.7 - 5.55
off and flashing        < 5.55

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LANC Control Codes

Only a few codes here, none for dv-in enabling.

The codes listed below are gleaned from various sites from the internet, and from other sources. Although I have done my best to check that the codes are as listed from my original sources, there is absolutely no way that I can guarantee that they work. If you find problems, or have new codes, or anything that you may think is useful, then please email us at

The codes are listed under manufacturer, and then by product type and model number.


Do not use these codes on other camcorders or on NTSC models !! 
The Original data column shows the data as it is setup at the 
factory. Do not forget to confirm changes after each step.
All changes/modifications are done at your own risk! 
Remove batteries afterwards for a little while! 

VX700E & VX1000E

Change Infrared Remote Control code to VTR2
Page  Address  Original Data  Modified Data
1        00         00        01    remove write protection
D        03         00        40    change to VTR2 code 
1        00         01        00    install write protection 


Digital Zoom to 90 (120 ?) (power up in camera mode)
Page  Address  Original Data  Modified Data
6        00         00        01    remove write protection 
F        1B         CD        CF    larger digital Zoom 
6        00         01        00    install write protection 

Playback NTSC    (power up in VTR mode)
Page  Address  Original Data  Modified Data
1        00         00        01    remove write protection 
D        13         04        02    changes from PAL to NTSC 
1        00         01        00    install write protection 

Record in mirror image        (power up in camera mode)   
Page  Address  Original Data  Modified Data
6        00         00        01    remove write protection 
D        1A         3F        40    changes to mirror image 
1        00         01        00    install write protection 



Digital Zoom to 120X 
Page  Address  Original Data    Modified Data
6        00         00        01    remove write protection
F        1B         49        4B    Zoom 40X->120X 
6        00         01        00    Re-activate write-protection 


Change Infrared Remote Control code to VTR2
Page  Address  Original Data  Modified Data
1        00         00        01    remove write protection
D        03         00        40    change to VTR2 code 
1        00         01        00    install write protection 


If you wish to dvin enable your camera, then I suggest you contact Adaptive Systems, a useful electronics site. Ernst Parth, the owner is a very helpful and knowledgeable person. He has spent considerable time and money in obtaining DVIN codes, and unlike some other folk, I have no intention of thieving the results of his efforts. In any case, his solutions are very economically priced. Please mention Ray West sent you!!

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Use of Sony RM95

If you have a Sony RM95, then the following instructions apply: Connect the RM-95 to the LANC port of your camcorder. For the PC7, you also need the VMC-LM7 adaptor, or build your own. This will also give you audio inputs. The use of the RM-95 is described in detail in the service manual for your camcorder (see: "Availability of tools".) Here is a brief summary: When the RM-95 goes into adjustment mode, the timecode display actually shows the data for the values in the individual pages. The format is p:dd:aa, where p is the page, dd is the data and aa is the address. Values are displayed in hex.

· Increment/decrement the page with the search+/search- buttons.

· Increment/decrement the data with the play and stop buttons.

· Increment/decrement the address with the FF and REW buttons.

· To write the data into NVRAM, hit PAUSE on the RM-95

Please be aware that writing the wrong data into NVRAM can seriously impede the health and usability of your DV camcorder. Know what you are doing, always note the initial values. Do exploratory writing of data at your own peril. Your camcorder may die in the name of science. You have been warned.

References / original sources: Global DVC (email:

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General Notes on Battery Storage

If you are keeping any batteries for a length of time, without using them, then do the following:

Nicads and NimH, discharge correctly and store them in a cool place.

Lead Acid should be stored fully charged, and periodically you should recharge them.

Li-Ion may be stored in any state of charge.

Do not leave batteries in equipment for any length of time.

Ni-cad correct discharging entails using a purpose built, slow discharger down to the critical voltage.

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Tapping Drill Size Chart

This chart gives the tapping drill sizes for some common thread types.(Use your browser 'back' button to get back to here.) It is in pdf format, designed so that it can be printed on two sides of a sheet of A4 paper. The information has been gleaned from various sources. If you find any errors, then please email me. Copy it and do what you like with it, but please leave the acknowlgement to this source somewhere on the chart. If you want laminated copies, then I can provide them for you.

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