Ray West (Consultancy)

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All the links listed below are to idividuals or organisations that I know to be genuine and honest in the services they offer. If you find otherwise, then let me know, but more important - tell them.
tuff car stuff

Many of our customers use our controllers for cameras fitted to rally cars, motor bikes, and the like. If you go to the link below, you'll find some folk who know all about rally cars - how to make 'em go faster, last longer, stop quicker, and so on. and its not just lotus cortina stuff they deal with

Photography Forum is the place to be, if you are serious about still photography, digital or film.

Professional Equipment

If you want to buy or sell professional good used audio, broadcast, film, lighting or video equipment, or looking for other professional suppliers or services, then the list that everyone refers to is at

Professional/consumer Equipment

Keene Electronics have a wide range of video accessories. In particular batteries, leads and chargers. They have Sennheiser microphones, wind gags and earphones.

File viewer

IrfanView written by Irfan Skiljan, is a very useful FREEWARE image file viewer. It will let you view most type of graphics, video and sound files. The code is pretty compact too.

Music Software

The midicode site, by Peter Frazer, is 'a must look at' if you have any interest in music. The excellent demonstration software is free to download, and I'd be surprised if you didn't learn something from it, and decide to go back and buy it on line. You can use it to fabricate some wonderful noises. There is also an interesting technical paper on the history of musical scales, tunings and other similar stuff.

Free electronic books - Gutenberg Project is the home of the Gutenberg Project. Basically this is an attempt to allow anyone with internet access to be able to download, at no cost, any copyright free book. All the books can be downloaded as ascii text files, or as zip files. Many classics and reference volumes are available. There are thousands of books for you to download, and more are being added daily. Well worth a visit, and this project deserves your support.

CNC machining, pan/tilt design/build, mechanical stuff in general

We are also developing control systems . We can advise and supply equipment for retrofitting to your smaller sized machine tools, and supply or write software to produce accurate results. We will also design and build camera tracking systems, pan and tilt units, etc. and other controllable devices.